tirsdag den 27. marts 2012

Hello Everybody. Yesterday i sent a wig to my friend Wolter, so he could style it, so it could look like a Sasuke wig, to the Sasuke Cosplay i will buy. I am waiting, for a man to sent me a mail, back, but he hasn't done it yet, so i gues i just have to wait......^^'

fredag den 23. marts 2012

Start of the Weekend

Hello people, today i'm going to something called AIO, there is also called, Anime In Odense, there is some kind of a association for Anime/Manga/Cosplay. I'm going to do it every friday, where i have time. So this was just alittle update for you guys. Bye ^^

torsdag den 22. marts 2012

A new beginning

Hello everybody, this is first time i make a blog, i really don't know what to write, but i can write, something about my self. My name is Rasmus, i'm 14 years old, i live in Denmark, and i love Cosplay, and Manga, it's the thing in the world i just can't live without. But i am going, to make some more for this so you guys can learn alittle more about me, see ya. ^^ an here is a picture of me,